Re-opening The NPCPP Leaving Cert HELPLINE 2020

Press Release:

31st January 2021


Re-opening of the NPCPP Leaving Cert HELPLINE 2020

The National Parents Council Post Primary
Leaving Certificate Helpline Number:
1800 265 165   

The National Parents Council Post Primary Leaving Cert Helpline 1800 265 165 will re-open and operate, with the support of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors and the Department of Education from Tuesday 2nd February until Friday evening 5th February 2021.

The helpline will be staffed by professional qualified guidance counsellors and will provide advice to students and parents regarding the examination results.

Over 2,000 post-primary students chose to sit Leaving Certificate 2020 exams during November and December 2020 and their results will be available to students on Tuesday 2nd February from midday.

The NPCPP Leaving Cert Helpline 1800-265-165 is a free phone service provided to Leaving Cert students and their parents and guardians. The service offers professional and confidential one to one  support, advice and guidance on Leaving Certificate results, Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA), Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP), CAO offers, further education and training (including apprenticeships, traineeships and Post-Leaving Certificate courses), opportunities for further study abroad, SUSI and grant application processes and the State Examinations Commission Candidate Self Service Portal. (

Re-Opening Of The Leaving Cert Helpline 2020 - NPCpp